Thursday 12 November 2015

Starting our bottle infill windows

A very attractive feature we have seen in Earthships are the beautiful bottle walls. Bottles can be used as partition walls or any non load bearing walls. In our case we have some irregular voids in the timberframe structure to fill and we decided that bottles would be a nice way to fill those openings. Pros are cheap cost (as bottles are free), and a very customized original finish. Cons are obviously the time consumtion and tedious work involved. In the case of mass production for large areas occupied with bottles electric tile cutters are used, but in our case we are using a slightly different method that involves stressing the glass with heat exactly where we want the bottle to break and dunking it in cold water which results in the bottle cracking perfectly in half. Although this takes more time with a good system the same result can be achieved.
This last image is from the internet of a beautiful bottle wall in an Earthship, this is general image we will try to achieve in our windows!

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